Our goal is to create awesome art with a shared theme that utilizes and challenges our talents, strengths and creativity. To be prepared and organized. To streamline our camp to optimize all assets, weight, ease of set up, clean lines and synchronicity. To leave for the event on time. To have no more than 15 hours of drive time. To be safe and healthy. To set up in one day and to interact in the festival experience. To clean up and disappear in one day as if we never were. |
Governance, and Ownership:
People who can bring something both useful and beautiful to our camp in a black light/World Domination Headquarters central theme are welcome to join. Those interested may become members only by submitting your art proposal and the completed registration form by June 15. |
Our goal is to be prepared. Anything can happen on the playa and time can be critical. |
Every member must be patient, respect the person, property, and feelings of others, and get along. Every member joining the World Domination Headquarters must conduct themselves according to the rules and ethos of the Black Rock City Arts Festival (Participate, Do Nothing That Interferes With Someone Else's Immediate Experience, and Leave No Trace).
This is mandatory. Everyone is responsible for cleaning up after themselves and leaving no trace. Render Unto Caesar That Which
Is Caesars. |
Most everything that is and will be created will be done for the very first time and will have inherent problems not foreseen to be solved. Projects take on a life of their own during the process of creation. How and idea begins is not necessarily how it ends. It is our experience that all projects take at least three times the amount of time (and money) allotted for it's creation. It is our repeated experience that things created on the playa take 10 times the amount of time and energy if it ever gets accomplished at all. To this end, we expect all projects in the World Domination Headquarters to be finished before leaving for the event. The reward for your efforts extends into every facet of your life both on and off the playa, in your professional and personal life, and in ways you never conceived of. |